Friday, September 13, 2024

38 THE WEEKEND STAR STARSCOPE • September 13 - 15, 2024 @JamaicaStar • Your overall emotional condi- tion is thoroughly strengthened by Jupiter’s alignment with prosperous sectors of your chart, for prosperity breeds confidence. Don’t forget the physical world, for this is an ideal time to institute an improved regime of regular exercise and a more sensible balanced diet. The princi- ple astrological alignments at the moment are undoubtedly helpful, and you may therefore count on a successful out- come whatever you do, and as long as you play fair by others. Moneywise you seem to be functioning very well, at least better than in the past, although any joint arrangements could prove surprisingly complicated. The next few weeks are noth- ing short of remarkable for all those who are in the midst of a professional and personal revolution, mainly because you’ll be revisiting the past before recreating the future. Emotionally you are about to move on to an entirely new level of experience which may involve a move of home. Your key planetary alignments this week advise you to take more care. One word of caution is to avoid saying ‘yes’ to absolutely every offer and find yourself totally over-committed as a result. Plus, you must try to keep all your actions ab- solutely open and above board if you are not to be misunderstood. Welcome surprises lie just around the corner. Social activities will benefit in ways which will probably astound you, and events are likely to be so rapid that you may temporarily lose your bearings. This is therefore due to be a period loaded with romantic stimulation and excitement in exactly the right combination. Your desire for prestige, status and recognition in the commu- nity must be satisfied somehow, and the sooner the better. Fortunately Saturn, your planetary ruler, is occupying a particularly intriguing position, offering every hope for your future success and happiness. What you still need,though, is a touch more self-confidence. Friends will be ready to listen and eager to help, so do not keep doubts and worries to your- self. Some of you are getting the idea that love is a more important part of your relationships than mere emotional security. However, as the days pass, you’ll realise that what is most important is your finan- cial situation. Jupiter is still aligned with communica- tive regions of your chart, enabling you to put your case with energy, verve, en- thusiasm and sensitivity. This is therefore an ideal time to arrange meetings, hold discussions, attend interviews and gener- ally lay out a firm strategy for the future. Sometimes the stars tell you to think about others. You must be prepared to put your own interests to one side and place yourself at the disposal of those who need your support and sympathy, no matter how much this may tax your emotional reserves. Also, do be aware that there must be no delay in implementing domestic and family improvements. Romance is best found in foreign cultures and climes, while people from overseas will be those who offer you the greatest inspiration. Are you thinking of travelling? Certainly it would be in your interests to get away for a while and experience new surroundings. You appear to have itchy feet and are probably desperate for a change of scenery, mainly thanks to a group of planets in your third solar house. The likelihood is of many short journeys rather than a long voyage, but life will be no less adventurous for all that. What will mean most to you will be the chance to enjoy some genuine peace and quiet. Your financial situation will be coloured by your emotions, so this may therefore not be the best time for taking level-headed and clear decisions about your future. On the other hand, if you want to follow your feelings, then fine! Do not feel guilty if you spend more money on luxuries than necessities – you deserve a bit of fun. SIGN OF THE MONTH: VIRGO WHAT TO DO AND WHEN TO DO IT Entertainment and romance......................................... 18th Domestic and family matters........................................ 18th Bargain hunting and shopping..................................... 15th Selling.................................................................................... 18th Sport and outdoor life..................................................... 16th Travel...................................................................................... 19th INVESTMENT GUIDE Sign new contracts; start new ventures..................... 19th Avoid new commitment.................................................. 18th Arrange business meetings and interviews. .... ......... 19th Note tips and hunches.................................................... 18th 13 - I-Wayne, reggae ar- tiste, given name Cliffroy Taylor, y.o.b. 1975 I-Wayne C ontributed Chi Ching Ching FiLe 19 - Chi Ching Ching, re- cording artiste, given name Radion Tashaman Beckford, y.o.b. 1982