Monday, September 16, 2024

2 THE STAR NEWS • Monday, September 16, 2024 @JamaicaStar • SIMONE MORGAN-LINDO STAR Writer J aedon Beckford’s story is one of resilience and de t e rmi na t i on t ha t resonates deeply. The 19-year- old computer science student at The University of the West Indies has overcome numerous challenges to achieve his dreams, thanks in part to the prestigious NCB Foundation Scholarship valued at $400,000 annually. Beckford recently shared his journey at the NCB Foundation Directors & Scholars mingle held at the NCB Wellness & Recreational Centre. Reflecting on his past, the Glenmuir High School alumnus recounted his daily 40-minute walk from Busy Park to school, a routine he adopted to save on lunch money. “Growing up was tough. Financially, we were never completely stable. Attending Glenmuir High School was a humbling experience for me. Many students came from affluent backgrounds, which made me feel out of place,” Beckford explained. During his high school years, Beckford balanced his studies with extracurricular HUMBLE BEGINNINGS, GRAND AMBITIONS Jaedon Beckford shares story of triumph over adversity activities, including track and field. However, his efforts to economise led to health issues. “I would skip lunch to save money and continue training, which eventually took a toll on my health. I became ill because of the strain from walking to school, attending classes, and training,” he shared. As the elder of two siblings, Beckford also prioritised saving for his brother’s education to ease the financial burden on his mother. “I wanted to support my brother’s education, so I saved my lunch money to help him with his schooling. I would spend only $200 out of my $500 lunch money and sometimes ask others for food,” he said. Beckford, who graduated from high school in 2022 with 17 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate and CAPE subjects, dreams of becoming a software engineer. His uncle, Orane Edwards, a former NCB Foundation Scholarship recipient, introduced him to the scholarship programme. “My uncle is my mentor. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have applied. The scholarship has covered my entire tuition, and I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity,” Beckford said. At the recent event, Beckford and 15 other scholars engaged in speed conversations with NCB directors, fostering connections and mentorship opportunities. Each scholar selected their top three mentors, leading to valuable pairings and guidance for their future endeavours. Jaedon Beckford R udolph B Rown 15 9 24 10 WINNERS $1,307 EA. NO WINNER 2 WINNERS $400,000 EA. NO WINNER NO WINNER NO WINNER 1 WINNER $1,000,000 9 WINNERS $1,506 EA. 185 WINNERS $234 EA. 194 WINNERS $215 EA. 11 WINNERS $1,409 EA. 191 WINNERS $259 EA. 269 WINNERS $219 EA. 14 WINNERS $1,317 EA. 30 WINNERS $1,080 EA. 497 WINNERS $208 EA. 26 17 13 21 2 29 11 10 27 25 3 3 7 8 2 3 3 2 2 6 6 8 3 3 2 4 6 16 24 27 WINNERS $500 EA. 627 WINNERS $50 EA 26 7 18 19 25 29 38 6 14 9 24 13 1 14 2628 34 2 9 24 NO WINNER NO WINNER 7 WINNERS $13,523 EA. 12 WINNERS $1,009 EA. 277 WINNERS $319 EA. 4,496 WINNERS $100 EA. $97,000,000 0 0 1 9 9 2 1 0 6 0 3 9 5 5 3 0 0 7 3 8 $241,500,000 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 34, 36 2, 3, 9, 13, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 30, 32, 33 2, 4, 9, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 32, 34 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 24, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36 1, 5, 9, 10, 13, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 35, 36 24 W 32 10 19 36 36 W M W WW 6 W 11 W 6 W 6 W 14 5 M W W W M W MW W WW M W W W W M W 8 22 12 8 7 1 22 20 15 11 2 15 12 10 7 4 16 13 3 4 10 20 11 4 6 2 WINNERS $1,000 EA. NO WINNER 1 WINNER $1,000,000 214 WINNERS $100 EA