Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10 THE STAR NEWS • Tuesday, September 17, 2024 @JamaicaStar www.facebook.com/JamaicaStar • www.jamaica-star.com Water won’t cure a hangover – study R esearch has found that it actually makes little difference to the impact of boozing too much. Scientists at Utrecht University in the Netherlands studied partying students and recorded hangover symptoms in those who drank water before going out and those who didn’t. The results showed that those who consumed water still had the same levels of nausea, exhaustion and pain as those who did not drink any. The experts concluded in the journal Alcohol : “The consump- tion of water during, or directly after, a drinking session is not effective in preventing hangovers. “And the amount of water consumed during the hangover is not significantly related to changes in severity.” USA loses ground in burger rankings T he United States is no longer home to the best burger in the world. The country that gave the world McDonald’s and Burger King has been surprisingly usurped by a Spanish restaurant in the World’s Best Burgers 2024 rankings. Hundred Burgers in Valencia secured top spot in the Michelin Guide for burgers because of the quality of its beef that “melts in your mouth” and the “super crispy” bacon. The restaurant’s co- founder, Alex Gonzalez, told Infobae Spain : “For us, receiving this recogni- tion is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream. “We created the com- pany with the aim of mak- ing a burger that would be a world reference, and not even in our wildest dreams did we contemplate being chosen as the best burger in the world.” The restaurant’s rise to the top is the culmination of a long-term plan by Gonzalez and co-founder Ezequiel Maldjian that saw them visit New York City in 2017 to taste the best 15 burgers in the Big Apple. R emoving just a single gene can fool the body into burning more cal- ories. Experts have found that the removal of the PHD2 gene — which reg- ulates brown fat to keep humans warm in cold tem- peratures — speeds up the process of metabolism in the human body, enabling the nutrients from food to be converted into energy at a rapid rate. Scientists found that mice without the PHD2 gene burned 60 per cent more calories than rodents with it, even though they ate significantly more food. Dr Zoi Michailidou, a researcher at Nottingham Trent University, said: “Brown fat is a special kind of a calorie-burning tissue more active in humans when they are exposed to cold temperatures. “By removing a protein that lets fat cells sense oxygen, we have been able to show that calorie burning could happen in mice and human cells, even when they are not exposed to cold temperatures. “(Targeting the PHD2 gene) could open up new strategies to sustain weight loss by increasing metabolism and without the need for continuous dieting.” Scientists discover hack that burns calories Garlic can improve a man’s sex life B offins say that eating the pungent plant widens blood vessels in intimate areas of the male anatomy and could solve diagnosed cases of erectile dysfunction. Dr Gajanan Bhat of the Shripad Hegde Kadave Institute of Medical Sciences, in India, said: “(Garlic juice along- side a standard drug) resulted in a statistically significant improvement in erectile function in patients complaining of erectile dysfunction.” The benefits of garlic for couples looking to spice things up in the bedroom have also been championed by nutritionist Shona Wilkinson. She told The Sun : “While most people see ‘garlic breath’ as a turn-off, garlic is actually proven to benefit your sex life. It contains a compound called allicin, which increases blood flow around the body. “Given that blood flow around the genitalia is a key component of sex, anything that helps with this blood flow could improve your sex life.”